What does it look like when an entire community is committed to the health and well-being of children and families? We know that a child’s ability to thrive has roots in their community’s ability to support their needs, from health care to smart policies that are family-centered, to businesses promoting family friendly practices. Community strength is also deeply connected to the ability of residents to earn a living wage, meaning a wage that allows them to do basic things like put food on the table, pay for housing, and pay bills. The reality is that for many families living in and connected to East Denver, earning enough money to cover even these basic costs is impossible, and has been a driving force in families being displaced from East Denver.
Anchor institutions like health care systems, zoos, and museums also have a profound impact on East Denver families, not only because of their valuable services, but also as large employers of families connected to East Denver. Ensuring anchor institutions are committed to policies that are culturally competent and community-focused is a key issue connected to the health and wellbeing of children.
% of East Denver organizations or agencies that adopt family friendly policies
No external state, county or neighborhood data is available for this indicator. East5ide Unified|Unido is directly working with organizations in the 80205 neighborhood to develop community relationships and enhance "Anchor Mission" organizational culture. While our network learns and builds capacity of residents and organizations to do this work, the indicator will be tracked only for the organizations in the East5ide Unified|Unido Network.
Source: Sample of organizations associated with East5ide Unified|Unido
Method: annual organizational assessment
Data Available: coming soon; time 1 data expected Spring 2019
% in East Denver who earn a living wage and/or amount of well-paying jobs in East Denver
Source: TBD
Data Available: None