Bill Fulton is Founder and Co-Executive Director of The Civic Canopy and is passionate about the Canopy's vision of helping the many work as one for the good of all. Although he spends most of his days facilitating meetings and helping people play nicely together, what really motivates him is the possibility of redesigning our social systems to function more like natural systems, where diversity and interdependence are the secret to collective success rather than the source of conflict and confrontation. He never outgrew the belief that in the great field trip of life, we need to find our buddies, stick together, and make sure everyone makes it to the destination together. Prior to founding The Civic Canopy, Bill was a high school teacher, national educational consultant, and then started his own corporate and civic consulting firm, Civil Conversations LLC. He has an undergraduate degree in history from Brown University, an MA in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Colorado at Denver, and a Ph.D. from the University of Denver and Iliff School of Theology focusing on dialogue and social change. He is married to Marcia Fulton, and adores his kids Elena and Ben except when they leave dishes in their room.