Our Vision
“Safe, resourceful, self-sustaining, connected community where businesses thrive, residents are hear, and community members are engaged, proud, and healthy within the Bessemer, Eilers/Bojon Town, and Grove neighborhoods.”
Who We Are
BEGIN is a network of neighborhood residents, city staff, health professionals, non-profit organizations, and other local stakeholders that are coming together to make changes to the built environment to increase physical activity, safety, connection, and pride throughout the Bessemer, Eilers/Bojon Town, and Grove neighborhoods.
What We Do
BEGIN works to help improve the community by giving more power to the residents, local businesses, and local organizations in the decision-making process of neighborhood planning.
"BEGIN recently collected 581 responses from residents and other neighborhood community members to determine what the biggest issues were regarding physical activity, safety, connectedness, and pride throughout the neighborhoods.
Using that community input, BEGIN is currently working on creating an action plan of projects and objectives to accomplish over the next year. The projects and objectives will be used to improve the Bessemer, Eilers/Bojon Town, and Grove neighborhoods.
To make sure we are making a difference, we are aiming to improve policies, systems, and the built environment (building structures, sidewalks, parks, etc.) to make a lasting change.”
Keep visiting this page to see updates of what neighborhood projects BEGIN is working on and how you can get involved!
Get Involved!
If you would like to get involved, please contact Lexi Romero at alexis.romero@pueblocounty.us or 719-583-4480.
Our Promise to You
We know that many other organizations and groups promise change, and although change might be happening, not often do residents see it.
Our promise to you is that we will be fully transparent with the work we do and let you know where change is happening in your community. We will work with other local neighborhood groups to help build-up neighborhood residents, so they can take charge of their own community.
We will do the best we can to make a difference, but we can’t do it alone. We would love your support and help. If you are interested in helping improve your neighborhood, check out our “Get Involved” section and be a part of the change!
We hope to accomplish these goals from our July 2019 - June 2020 BEGIN action plan.
Objective 1: By June 2020, BEGIN will assist the Bessemer, Eilers/Bojon Town, and Grove neighborhoods in establishing a regular notification system for residents to become more connected within their community and learn about neighborhood opportunities.
Objective 2: By June 2020, BEGIN will assist the Bessemer, Eilers/Bojon Town, and Grove neighborhoods in establishing at least one regular community system/program to assist residents in accessing healthy food options, health education and services.
Objective 3: By June 2020, BEGIN will assist the Bessemer, Eilers/Bojon Town, and Grove neighborhoods in establishing at least one policy or system change and/or have at least one project on the capital improvement plan to improve the neighborhoods by addressing blight, increasing walkability and safety, and/or promoting physical activity.
Objective 4: By June 2020, BEGIN will assist the Bessemer, Eilers/Bojon Town, and Grove neighborhoods in establishing or enhancing at least one community system/program that provides family and youth friendly activities to help promote physical activity and decrease substance use.